H ISo 5599-1 and 5599-2

The Parker H Series ISO pneumatic solenoid valve (sizes 1, 2 and 3) is a single-port valve with internal/external pneumatic actuation. It offers various functions: 5/2, single and double solenoid valve, 5/3, all ports blocked in central position, double solenoid valve. Isys ISO size 1, 2 and 3 spool valves are available as panel-mounted or non-recessed options, and can be mounted on a stand-alone single-valve subbase or on a multi-valve manifold subbase. Valve size 1 is mounted on a single subbase with 3/8 NPT/BSPP side ports, or on a manifold subbase with 3/8 NPT/BSPP side and bottom ports. Valve size 2 is mounted on a single subbase with 1/2 NPT/BSPP side ports or on a joinable subbase with 1/2 NPT/BSPP side and bottom ports. Valve size 3 is mounted on a single subbase with 3/4 NPT/BSPP side ports or on a joinable subbase with 3/4 NPT/BSPP side and bottom ports.